心房内刺戟傳導に關する實驗的研究 (第2報) : 蟇心房の刺戟傳導樣式に就て(2)
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After the sino-atrial border in a toad's heart was locally ligated, unipolar lead E.C.G. by means of simultaneous recording were made of the sinus venosus and different points on the surface of the atria, and calculated the activation times regarding points on the surface of the atria. At the same time the morphology of the P wave on the E.C.G. led from the surface of the atria was studied. Summary of the results is as follows : 1) When the border between the sinus venosus and the right atrium was ligated the activation times calculated for different points on the left atrium were found not to have been effected, but considerable delay at points on the right atrium was noted. This was supposed to be due to the fact that the stimulus proceeding from the sinus venosus was first conducted to the left atrium and then led into the right atrium over the border of the right and left atrial wall. Further, the fact that the activation time expended in the left atrium was found almost normal under such condition proved that the stimulus conduction to the left atrium must be carried out directly from the sinus venosus even in normal condition.2) When the bordering region of the sinus venosus and the left atrium was ligated no change was detected regarding the activation time at different points on the right atrium, but the activation time at those points on the left atrium was considerably delayed. It was then assumed that all these results lay in the fact that the impulse sent from the sinus venosus first enters the right atrium and then goes into the left atrium over the border of the right and left atrial wall.3) It takes about 0.04 second for an impulse to be conducted over the border of the right and left atrial wall. From this fact such a stimulus conduction may be looked upon as to undergo some resistance.Accordingly, it must be considerd that the activation of both atria in performed separately with the septum as marking the boundary of activation, and that the activation of both atria as a whole is not supposed to be of the nature of perfect diffusion.4) Ligation of the atrial septum does not affect the normality of the rhythm in the sinus venosus, or in the atrium, or in the ventricle, which proves that there exists no stimulus conduction pathway in the atrial septum directly convecting the sinus venosus and the atrium or the sinus venosus and the ventricle.5) The P wave registered on the unipolar lead E.C.G. taken over the surface of the atrium down below the ligated portion is found to show slurring and notching on its apex and sometimes such an unusual aspect as the splitting of the wave into two waves. So much is brought about here as a supplementary view to show what has been deemed some of the causes.In concluding above two reports it may be said that the impulse conduction in a toad's atria, though performed separately in the right and left atria, is not supposed to be wrought through the specific stimulus conduction pathway but to be of the nature of diffusion.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1958-09-20
- (1)心筋障碍の統計的觀察(一般講演(其の一),日本循環器學會第十二回總會記事)
- 3) 多發性心房性期外收縮の一例(第2回日本循環器學會東海地方會總會)
- 心房内刺戟傳導に關する實驗的研究(第4報) : 犬心房表面各部の刺戟伝達時間に就て
- 食道内誘導及び胸壁誘導の心電圖同時描冩による心房波の研究
- 36)心房中隔に於ける刺戟傳播状態に就て(一般演説,日本循環器學會第17回總會記事)
- 59)家兎心房の刺戟傳播状態に就て(一般演説,日本循環器學會第15回總會記事)
- 心房内刺戟傳導に關する實驗的研究(第6報) : 洞結節・田原氏結節間の刺戟傳導に就て
- 心房内刺戟傳導に關する實驗的研究(第5報) : 洞結節・心房間の刺戟傳導に就て
- 心房内刺戟傳導に關する實驗的研究(第3報) : 家兎心房の刺戟傳導に就て
- 心房内刺戟傳導に關する實驗的研究 (第2報) : 蟇心房の刺戟傳導樣式に就て(2)
- 心房内刺戟傳導に關する實驗的研究(第1報) : 蟇心房の刺戟傳導樣式に就て(1)