- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The present paper deals at first in a detailed way with the results of the morphological studies together with the opinion of the senior author of this paper, that Lenzsites tenuis LEV Lenzites Earlei MURRILL, Boletus sinuosus SOW., Daedalea giblosa PERS. and Trametes gibbosa (PERS.)FR. are synonyms given to the samefungus. 2. The shapes of the orifices of tubes of the present fungus are conspicuously changeable not only on the different individuals, but also on the different portions of the same sporophore. The idea, that the lamellate form seems to be more evoluted than the trametoid and other forms, led the senior author to use the new name Lenzites gibbosa to the present fungus. 3. In the present paper brief notes on the results of the writers investigations on this fungus causing wood-rot of various broadleaf trees, with particular reference to the diagnostic characters of decay in the wood as well as to the relation of temperature to its growth, are also given. 4. The rotted wood becomes soft and light, changing uniformly to whitish color. By such macroscopical changes in wood and also by the cultural experiment using BAVENDAMDAM's method, the fungus is safely recognized to be one of FALCK's "Korrosionspilze" causing the white spongy rot. The fungus is widely distributed throughout Nippon from Hokkaido to Formosa. 5. The relation of temperature to the mycelial growth of the fungus was studied by growing it on poured plates of apricot decoction agar, of potato decoction agar and of soy agar, according to SAITO's formula, incubated at different temperatures. From the data of this experiment it was found that the mycelium of this fungus grows very vigorously at 28℃ and 32℃ and the optimum temperature for its growth seems to lie at a temperature a little higher than 28℃.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1939-04-30
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