- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper deals with the results of the writer's experiments on the cellulose-decomposition by-23 species of the different plant-pathogenic fungi (including wood-destroying fungi), with special reference to a comparison of their cellulose-decomposing abilities in pure cultures. A synthetic mineral-salt-solution (K_2 HPO_4 1g, MgSO_4 1g, NaCl 1g, CaCO_3 2g, NH_4NO_3 2g, H_2O 1000 cc), being insereted with a piece of filter paper asa the carbon source for the fungi, was used as the cuture-medium. The experimental method was exactly the same with that previousluy descrebed by SATOH (4). In this series of experiments the filter paper composed of cellulose fivers showed generally some changes by the developmemt of these fungi on it. A careful examinatioin of the filter paper inoculated with these fungi had been done under a microscope and the results suggseted clearly that the fungi tested vary in their abilities o decomposing filter paper. The conclusions are briefly summarized as follows. 1. Most of the fungi grown on the filter paper are capable of utilizing cellulose in any extent. However, the change of the filter paper used was not large in many cases. 2.Such fungi, as Corticium centrifugum (LEV.) BRES., Fomes applanatus (PERS.) WALLR., Gibberella Fujikuroi (SAW.) WR., Pestalossia Diospyri SYD., Polystictus pergamemus FR. and Polystictus sanguineus (L.) FR., are clearly recognized as to have the power of decomposing cellulose. The localization of the decomposed cellulose by pure cultures of the above fungi were demonstrared in detail by means of examining the preparetions under the crossed NICOL prisms of a polarization microscope. 3. Gloeosporium Olivarum ALM., Pestalozzia Theae SAWADA and Sclerotium Oryzae-sativae SAWADA seem to have the most active ability for the cellulose-decomposition under such pure culture conditions.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1936-03-30
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