植物根頭がんしゅ病の研究 : 第1報 根頭がんしゅの形態形成 : とくに極性の分化について
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The present paper deals with the morphogenesis of crown gall, with special regard to the differentiation of polarity. The outer morphology of the gall expressed various shapes by the autonomous cell proliferation. The shape and external appearance of the gall was more or less specific for the kind of host plants and the rate of daily growth reached to ca. 0.046 mm on the average. The number of bulges on the surface of a gall correlated with its inner whirling structure. It has been stated that crown galls have no polarity, because of the autonomous and non-directed proliferation. However, the present observation showed that the polarity existed especially in Bryophyllum daigremontianum. Root differentiation of the gall formed in the lower part of a stem was more remarkable than that in the upper part, whereas just reverse was the case in leaf differentiation. Inspite of their morphological resemblance, some of the galls differentiated normal leaves and others showed a striking malformation of leaves. This seemed to be due to the concentration gradient of growth regulators, such as IAA. kinetin, and others. For testing the reality of the polarity, grafting and tissue culture were tried. In split-grafting of leafy gall, transplanted pieces withered gradually with the lapse of days. When an inner side of the stock which was in contact with the transplanted piece bulged, both sides of the wedge-shaped stock turned upset toward outside, as seen in the hormonal action in the tomato test. In split-grafting of tissue culture, transferred tumor arose at a lower part of the stock, and later roots commenced to differentiate. When a stem of Bryophyllum bearing a gall from which rootlets grow at its lower part was cut in a definite length and planted upside-down on the medium, older rootlets soon withered away and new ones were produced from an upper part of the gall. This seems to indicate the presence of root pole in a lower region of the gall. A piece of gall in tissue culture was put into budding from the upper part, While a massive root-hair-like tissue was often produced from the lower part of the gall. This may show the polarity of crown gall. From these results, the differentiation of the gall is discussed.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1972-12-01
- 植物根頭がんしゆの微細構造, 特に核, ミトコンドリアと葉緑体について
- 走査電子顕微鏡による根頭がんしゅの表面微細構造の観察
- 植物根頭がんしゅ病の研究 : 第2報 がんしゅ組織の色素について
- 植物根頭がんしゅ病の研究 : 第1報 根頭がんしゅの形態形成 : とくに極性の分化について
- (84) 植物根頭がんしゅの色素について (昭和47年度 日本植物病理学会大会)
- (40) Crown gallの極性について (関西部会講演要旨)