斑点性疾病が作物の収量に及ぼす影響について : 3. ソラマメにおける一場面
- 論文の詳細を見る
From a pathophysiological point of view, following characters possessed by the broad bean (Vicia faba L.) appeared to show interrelationship with the effects of spotting of the leaves: a. the numbers of leaves and blossoms of a plant vary individually within its life period, but its period of blooming is limited between middle of April and early May; b. the plant must overwinter during its early stages of growth to produce fruit; and c. in early spring, numerous branches grow from the base of the stem. These branches and stem are capable of bearing fruits. Differentiation of the first flower bud occurs at this time. Experiments were performed to produce artificial spots on the leaves of the broad bean plant by applying aqueous solution of KCl0_3 at its various growth stages. Resultsobtained were as follows: 1. When the seedling of abroad bean plant was spotted at the time when the nutrients were being supplied from the endosperm, the yield of seed was greater than half of that of the untreated plant. When the nutrients from the endosperm became limited, the yield of seed was further reduced. When the nutrients of the endosperm were depleted and its carbohydrate assimliation was very faint, the yield of seed was markedly reduced. 2. When the broad bean plant was spotted immediately before overwintering, its growth was disturbed considerably, and resulted in no yield of seed. 3. When the bean plant was spotted during the winter, the damage was slight, and the yield was 80-l05% of the unspotted control. 4. When the bean plant was spotted early in spring at the time of differentiation of the first flower bud, about 50% yield was obtained. 5. When the bean plant was spotted during April and May at the time of flowering, there was no yield of seed. (Received March 29. l966)
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1966-12-25
- (16) 植物がんの研究 : 腫瘍束について (昭和42年度地域部会講演要旨(九州部会))
- (3) 植物がんに関する研究(1) (昭和41年度地域部会講演要旨(九州部会))
- 斑点性疾病が作物の収量に及ぼす影響について : 3. ソラマメにおける一場面
- (4) 斑点性病害が作物の収量に及ぼす影響の機構 第4報 : ソラマメにおける一場面 (昭和40年度地域部会講演要旨(九州部会))
- (7) 植物の負傷面の細胞膜の変化 (昭和38年度地域部会講演要旨(九州部会))
- (6) 斑点性病害が作物の収量に及ぼす影響の機構について (2), : トーモロコシにおける一場面 (昭和36年度地域部会講演要旨(九州部会))
- (11) 斑点性病害の病態生理学的研究 : 第6報 病斑が葉の乾重増加に及ぼす影響 (昭和35年度地域部会講演要旨(九州部会)
- (23) 斑点性病被害葉が近接健全葉の生理作用に及ぼす影響 (昭和34年度九州部会)
- (4) 負傷した馬鈴薯の治癒反応について (第1報) (昭和32年度九州部会)
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- 稻小粒菌核病に於ける被害度の査定方法に就いて
- 煙草立枯病菌と空胴病菌との關渉作用
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- 煙草の芯止と立枯病及び空胴病との關係
- 煙草空胴病の病理解剖(摘要) (日本農學臨時大會植物病理學部會講演要旨)