- 論文の詳細を見る
1) Ear burn of barley, a new bacterial disease, appears at the upper part of a culm and its ear. Soon after the earing awns of an affected culm discolor to yellow, then light brown, at the tip. This occurs first at a side of am ear. The discolored area enlarges towards base, rapidly extending to glumes (Fig. 1). Then, the same appears on the other side, and an entire ear discolors prematurely to light brown, producing usually no or rather rarely incomplete seed grains. This early symptom on the ears is very attractive, since the discoloration proceeds amongst the field of all green. The burned ears are observed dispersed over an affected field, but it is unusual that all the culms of an individual plant are invaded. 2) On the neck of the burned ear, there is usually a longitudinal dark brown line which runs down the culm into the flag-leaf sheath. By examining the clum within the sheath, a large brown necrotic area is observed at about 2〜3 cm above the node, and it encircles soon the culm. From this area dark brown lines run upwards, the longest one reaching to the ear. At the center of the necrotic area, there is usually a pit, simulating an injury by insects. It is more precisely a small transverse crack which was resulted by one side tension in earing growth of the side remained still un nvaded in that time. (Fig. 2) At the a bottom of the cavity of the culm centre just below the necrotic area, oose of somewhat viscid milky white to light yellowish color is frequently accumulated as a pus. No remarkable symptom is caught outside of the leaf sheath there. A detailed study, however, proves frequently a slight darkening of the green color at the narrower part just above or just below the nearest node of necrotic area. In a few cases, the invasion of culm. appears in the sheath of subflag-leaf, but any at all further below this. 3) A milky white bacterial colony was isolated from the discoloved parts .(glumes, culm). In osculation by prick on barley resulted the disease as in nature. It is also moderately phathogenic by inoculation to wheat, very slightly to oat, but not at all to corn. As far as the authors are aware, this organism differs from other pathogenic bacteria on Graminae, as well as known species of Aplanobacter. Therefore it is concluded that this organism is new to science. It will be named as Aplanobacter Hordei n. sp. 4) The disease distributes in Prefs, Nara, Mie, and Gifu, and probably also in Prefs. Aichi and Shiga. The disease is supposed to be seed-borne.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1951-07-20
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