相思樹銹病菌Maravalia hyalospora (SAW.) DIET.の寄生性に關する研究 : III. 夏胞子の感染に對し抵抗性を異にする假葉各部の細胞學的研究
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The present investigation was performed cytologically in order to find any difference in the reaction of the rust of Acacia confusa to host cells at different parts of the same phyllode as well as to these of different phyllodes with different maturity. (1) Susceptible region, viz., young, growing portion of the phyllode. (a) The entering hyphae produced from appressoria tusually invade through stomatal apertures, less frequently piercing cuticle directly (fig. 3), and form a substomatal vesicle (fig. 1, 2), from which haustoria are produced in the adjacent cells. After a while a few primary hyphae are also formed from the vesicle, making their way down through palisade parenchyma to spongy tissues, but never inserting haustoria into the palisade cells, or very rarely, if any. On the other hand, the development of the fungus is mostly achieved in the spongy tissue, producing many haustoria until the time of teliospore-formation which usually takes place after about 4-5 weeks. Injany cases studied noncompatibility between host and parasite can not be clearly demonstrated. (b) The plastids of the palisade cells in close contact with the invading hyphae as well as those of several cells near the hyphae first reduce in size and function, but after the actual invasion of haustoria these degeuaerated plastids recover in size, and also seem to become more active in function than ever. In the case of the spongy tissue, the plastids of the cells become larger and more greenish in color, and increase in number when actually invaded by the hanstoria. Moreover, starch grains are found more numerous in the invaded cells. The starch grains present in the invaded palisade and sponge cells are different in form, viz., simple (fig. 10) and compound (fig. 11), respectively. (c) The affected cells are not hyperplasied in any noticeable degree, but more or less hypertrophied (fig. 8). (d) The haustorium has a slender neck at its base, and generally small and simple, though some digitate haustoria (fig. 13, 11) are usually found in the cells surrounding the substomatal cavities. The haustorium is as a rule incased in a thick wall and dead when old (fig. 15, 16). (2) Immune region, viz., very young, rapidly growing portion of the phyllode. In this developing stage of phyllodes stomata have not yet been sufficiently developed, so that the parasite is unable to enter the host tissue except in the case of more advanced stage, in which the parasite is able to enter through stomatal apertures, though with much difficulty. The entering hypha produces the snbstomatal vesicle in the same manner as stated above but the parasite cannot further develop at all and is soon perished (fig. 5, 6) as a result of the toxic secretion from the host cells (cf. 8). In rare cases, however, the funguts can develop in a few days and produce some rudimentary haustoria, but it never continues to grow any farther and is finally perished (fig. 18) prior to the death of the host cells, though there are found several cases where it is impossible to determine which is first deceased. On the other hand, the guard cells beneath the appressoria and the epidermal cells connecting with the former are very frequently killed (fig. 4) though this occurs less frequently in the advanced stage of host development, it is presumed that the parasite may also secrete some toxic substance, to which the host cells are more sensitive when they are younger. (3) Immune region, viz., mature, fully grown portion of the phyllode. The parasite is able to enter the host through stomatal aperures with ease, and produces the substomatal vesicle as usual, provided that the urecliospores can germinate and produce appressoria (in nature, as has already been stated in a previous paper, the urediospores can hardly germinate, or none, on such a portion). As a matter of fact, however, the substomatal vesicle does not develop satisfactorily, and finally results in death (fig. 22, 23, 25), though less frequently a
- 1940-12-20
- 煙草モザイクヴアイラスの植物體内に於ける分布, 竝にその濃度に關する血清學的測定
- (22) Pythium菌卵胞子による単胞子培養法 (昭和29年度夏季関東部会)
- (32) 麥類黄枯病菌と同褐色雪腐病菌との關係について (昭和28年度秋季関東部会)
- (23) 麥類褐色雪腐病菌の感染徑路について (昭和28年度夏季関東部会)
- (66) 苗令を異にする小麥への麥類褐色雪腐病菌の侵害機構について (昭和28年度大会(2))
- (10) 積雪下に於ける紫雲英のPythium菌に因る新病害 (假稱褐色雪腐病) について (昭和27年度秋季關東部會)
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- 相思樹銹病菌Maravalia hyalospora (SAW.) DIET.の寄生性に關する研究 : III. 夏胞子の感染に對し抵抗性を異にする假葉各部の細胞學的研究
- 相思樹銹病菌夏胞子の發芽及發芽管の發達に及ぼす寄主假葉汁液の效果に就て (第IX囘農學大會植物病理部會講演要旨)