- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) The present paper deals with the study carried out by the writers on a new fungus which causes an anthracnose disease of jute. (2) The jute anthracnose affects the stems, leaves and pods of this crop and its presence in Kumamoto and Shizuoka Prefecture was first observed in 1938. In the next year it was been found in Aichi Prefecture. (3) The causal organism has been isolated and its pathogenicity has been proved by inoculation experiments. The incubation periodis about three days. (4) As the fungus seems to be new to science, the name Colletotrichum Corchorum is proposed and a brief technical description is given, as follows :Colletotrichum Corchorum IKATA et TANAKA nov. sp. Lesions on stems, leaves and pods, brown to black, not sunken, definite in outline. Acervuli black, superficial, scattered ; stroma patelliform, 100-350μ in diameter by 25-50μ high ; setae several to abundant, originating from margin of stroma, yellowish brown to black and becoming lighter toward the apex, 2 to 5 septate, 36-117μ long by 3.6-5.0μ wide. Conidiophores simple, hyaline, arising from stroma, 15-35μ long by 3-4μ wide ; conidia abundant, non-septate, hyaline, curved, bluntly tapered, oblgng-fusoid to falcate-fusoid, 12-25×3.6-6.0μ, with 16-22×4μ as the most common size. HAB : Parasitic on stems, pods and leaves of Corchorus capsularis L. (5) The optimum temperature for growth of the fungus is 30℃. (6) The disease is seed-borne, the fungus mycelium exists in the seed and spores are adhering on the external part of seeds.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1940-12-20
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