疫病菌の侵入に対する馬鈴薯の抵抗反応に関する生理学的研究 : III. Ethanol処理による抵抗性低下の生理学的研究 (其の1)
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In the previous reports, it was shown that in the Phytophthora infestans infected tuber tissue of resistant potato varieties, remarkable increase in respiration, water soluble protein, starch, and polyphenol compounds content occurred at an early stage of infection (15-20 hrs. after inoculation), while in susceptibles no such a remarkable increase took place, and it was concluded that the resistance of potato tuber to P. infestans accompanies the activation of metabolism in the infected tissue. In the present paper studies on the physiological changes in the potato tuber tissue, and the susceptibleity to P. infestans under the influence of ethanol narcosis, are reported. Tuber of highly resistant seedling "41089-8"was cut in halves; one half was immersed in 10% ethanol for 10 minutes, and the other half was immersed in water. After washing for a short time, tubers in each plot were divided into two groups, then the cut surface of tuber of one group was inoculated by zoospore suspension of P. infestans (common strain H_1) and that of the other group was left noninoculated. Twenty or 44 hours after inoculation, blockets of tissue were stamped out of the tuber at a right angle to the cut surface by means of a cork borer having a diameter of 2 cm. Superficial layer of these blockets was then worked up into slices 0.45 mm thick with microtome. After washing the slices in running water, the O_2 uptake and the CO_2 output were determined by means of Warburg's "direct method". Slices were also used for determination of water soluble protein-N, total water soluble-N, and polyphenol compounds content. Results obtained are shown in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. Twenty hours after treatment, the rcspiratory rate in the non-anaesthetized tissue both inoculated and non-inoculated, was remarkably accelerated, while in the ethanol-treated tissue of potato tuber such a remarkable increase in respiration was not observed in either inoculated or noninoculated tubers. The RQ value of ethanol-treated tissue of cut surface was lowered slightly in comparison with that of non-anaestized tissuc (Table 5). Accompanying the inhibition of respiratory increasc, the amounts of water soluble protein and polyphenol content in the ethanol-treated cut surface of potato tuber were less than those of non-treated tissue 20 hrs. after treatment. When non-anaesthetized cut surface or potato tuber was infected by P. infestans, rate of increase in respiration, water soluble protein and polyphenol content was greater in the infected tissue than in the non-infected one. In the ethanol-treated tissue, however, increase in such physiological reactions induced by infection or P. infestans was not so great as that in non-narcotized tissue (shown in Table 4). It was stated in the previous report that the changes in hyphal substance in inoculated tissue may be negligible in comparison with the physiological changes in host tissue within the period of about 20 hrs. 0n the contrary, 44 hrs after inoculation, the content of hypal substance in the infected tissue may play an important role in the changes of chemical compounds contained in the tissuc. Forty-four hours after inoculation, moreover, the content of polyphenol compounds decreases in infected resistant tissue, possibly due to the deposition of the compounds in collapsed cells (Table 3). Above described results show that the cxcited metablism in tissue of resistant potato tuber induced by P. infestans may be in inhibited by the pre-infectional ethanol narcosis. It may be possible to presume that such an inhibition of metabolic acceleration may result in the reduction of resistance of interspecific hybrids to the infection by common strain of P. infestans.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1956-08-15
高瀬 昇
高桑 亮
酒井 隆太郎
冨山 宏平
高桑 亮
高瀬 昇
- 疫病菌の侵入に対する馬鈴薯の抵抗反応に関する生理学的研究 : IV. Ethanol処理による抵抗性低下の生理学的研究(その2)
- 疫病菌の侵入に対する馬鈴薯の抵抗反応に関する生理学的研究 : III. Ethanol処理による抵抗性低下の生理学的研究 (其の1)
- 馬鈴薯疫病菌の生理学的研究 : 第12報 人工培養基上に於ける分生胞子形成について I