- 論文の詳細を見る
Plants highly sensitive to sulfur dioxide, namely, rush and buckwheat, were exposed to sulfur dioxide gas of three different concentrations for 30 or 50 days. In any given gas concentration, both plants accumlated sulfur by absorbing sulfur dioxide, with the advance of the exposing period. In rush, the sulfur content at the time of showing injury-tip-burn-symptom of 3% 1ength caused by exposure to O.26, 0.13, and O.065 ppm gas were about O.4, 0.8, and 0.9%, respectively. In buckwheat, the sulfur content at the time of appearance of injury-1esion on leaves caused by exposure to O.26, 0.13, and 0.065 ppm gas were about 0.6, 0.75, and 1.2%, respectively.Control plants not treated with gas always maintained about 0.2% sulfur level. Thus, the 1ower the gas concentration, the higher was the leve1 of sulfur in the plant for 1iminal appearance of injury-symptom. In the plants which were exposed to sulfur dioxide gas of 1ower concentration, the sulfur absorbed by the plant seemed to be transformed to 1ess toxic compounds, such as cystine and methionine, but this hypothesis was disproved by the analysis of amino acids in the plants.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1968-12-25
- 502.シイタケ子実体発生に及ぼす温度・光について(第72回日本林学会大会)
- 植物体内に吸収された二酸化イオウの蓄積形態と徴候発現
- (10) 亜硫酸ガスによる植物葉の被害症状 (昭和43年度地域部会講演要旨(秋季関東部会))
- 大気中の低濃度SO_2吸収による植物の硫黄蓄積と徴候発現