- 論文の詳細を見る
The present scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) was undertaken in an effort to clarify the ultrastructural features of mycoplasma-like organism (MLO) in phloem tissue cells of petiole, using young leaf naturally infected with mulberry dwarf. SEM revealed the three dimensionality of the fibrillar meshwork in phloem tissue cells from the diseased petiole. However, the occurrence of meshwork of this type was not seen in cells from the healthy petiole. The characteristic meshwork consisted mainly of both straight and branching filaments among which rounded bodies could be discerned. The ultrastructure of sectioned MLO corroborated in several respects the observations made by SEM. TEM of thin sections showed that both rounded and filamentous organisms were bounded only by a unit membrane and seen to contain ribosome-like particles. Thus, the fibrillar meshwork structures which are seen in the SEM may correspond to "filamentous organisms" observed by TEM, A similar structure has, to our knowledge, not been found in other vascular tissues of yellows-diseased plants. When MLO colony was observed by SEM, three basic morphological forms were seen: (1) rounded form, presumably main body, approximately 200 to 300 nm in diameter, (2) elongated and irregular form, and (3) filamentous form, roughly 120 nm in width, emerging from the main body. Moreover, by SEM, a better visualization of the spatial arrangement and configurations of single organisms, as well as colonies, was observed. Our results with SEM showed this MLO associated with mulberry dwarf disease to be similar in gross structural features to the cultured large-colony-forming mycoplasmas studied by this method. Details of ultrastructural features of MLO are presented.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1978-01-25
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