高圧力過給機の開発時における強度評価 : 第1報 翼振動の評価
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It is necessary to apply a turbocharger with higher pressure and more volume flow rate to improve the output of the diesel engines. It will be expected that such a Turbocharger is to be used for the die-sel engines in the near future. One of the important technologies to design the turbocharger is the accurate evaluation of the strength for turbine and compressor blades at the resonance operating condition, because the failure of the blades occurs a serious accident in the market. To evaluate the blade strength at resonance operation, the stimulus value is a very important design factor and its value, however, has been out of the accurate estimation. Then, we tried to estimate the stimulus value at the resonance condition from the resonance stress and the logarithmic decrement measured through the blade vibration tests. The acquired stimulus values can be applied for designing of new turbochargers.
- 2001-05-20
- TPL・TPS形過給機(新製品紹介)
- 高圧力過給機の開発時における強度評価 : 第2報 翼振動に及ぼすタービンスクロールの影響
- 高圧力過給機の開発時における強度評価(第2報 翼振動に及ぼすタービンスクロールの影響)
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- 高圧力過給機の開発時における強度評価 : 第1報 翼振動の評価
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