A case study of environmental temperature, sweat rate, and water intake during baseball practice in summer in high school students
Mori Satoru
Dept.of Sports And Fitness Chukyo Women's Univ. Osaka City Univ.
Suzuki Kayo
Dept.of Sports And Fitness Chukyo Women's Univ. Osaka City Univ.
Asayama Masami
Dept.of Sports And Fitness Chukyo Women's Univ. Osaka City Univ.
Dept.of Sports and Fitness, Chukyo Women's Univ., Osaka City Univ.
Dept.of Sports and Fitness, Chukyo Women's Univ., Osaka City Univ.
Miyagawa Toshiaki
Dept.of Sports And Fitness Chukyo Women's Univ. Osaka City Univ.
Sakae Ryoko
Dept.of Sports And Fitness Chukyo Women's Univ. Osaka City Univ.
- A case study of environmental temperature, sweat rate, and water intake during baseball practice in summer in high school students
- (E61108) The Case Study of Body Temperature, Weight Loss, and Water Debt of Athletes During American Football Games
- (E61107) The environmental temperature and the physical activity of junior athletes during softball exercise in summer.
- (E60907) Effects of Exercise and Aging on Bone Stiffness, Daily Walking Steps, and LBM in Young and Elderly Women.