ハリイバラガニLithodes longispina SAKAIについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The anomuran crab, Lithodes longispina SAKAI (Fig. 1), is a species allied to Lithodes turritus and L. aequispina. This crab has been taken from the bottoms, 400-900m deep, off Boso Peninsula and Sagami Bay from March 1969 to March 1971 (Fig. 2, Table 1). Width of carapace ranges from 9.3 to 12.5 cm in the female and from 9.4 to 13.5 cm in the male (Fig. 3). The spawning period of this crab seems to continue from August to October (Fig. 4). The number of incubating eggs was correlated to the carapace width of the crab at the coefficy of correlation, 0.859. The number of eggs ranges from 3,900 to 11,200 per individual female from 9.8 cm to 11.9 cm in carapace width (Fig. 5).
- 日本甲殻類学会の論文
- 房総沖・相模湾のイバラガニモドキ(Lithodes aequispina BENEDICT)調査
- コメント:マサバ資源とまき網経営をまもるために
- ハリイバラガニLithodes longispina SAKAIについて
- 房総海域におけるマイワシの生活に関する研究-I : 未成魚および成魚の集合様式とI年魚の成熟
- 房総海域におけるカタクチイワシの漁業生物学的研究-1-大型成魚の成熟,集合および卵の分布について