- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1952, CABRERA and MONROY stated that the electrocardiographic patterns of diastolic and systolic overload of the left ventricle were different and would make it possible to differentiate the former from the latter. In 1960, CABRERA and GAXIOLA reported the significant differences between the vectorcardiographic patterns of diastolic and systolic overload. On the other hand, SELZER et al., SEDZIWY et al. and YANO et al. were unable to find any significant differences between the two in either the electrocardiogram or the vectorcardiogram. The author made a statistical survey on the spatial and planar vectorcardiographic parameters of the diastolic and systolic overload of the left ventricle to try to differentiate the characteristics of the two groups. Material and Method : The following subjects were available for this study, including 56 patients with essential hypertension (above 160mmHg in systole and/or 90mmHg in diastole) as the samples of systolic overload of the left ventricle, 38 patients with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (below 35mmHg of right ventricular systolic pressure) as the samples of diastolic overload of the left ventricle, 39 patients with ventricular septal defect (VSD) (below 35mmHg of right ventricular systolic pressure) as the samples of both ventricular diastolic overload, and 116 normal adults as the samples of the controls. Frank lead system was used for vactorcardiographic recording. The frontal, horizontal and left sagittal planar vectorcardiographic loops were simultaneously photographed on 35 mm-film and the scaler electrocardiograms in the three orthogonal leads were also simultaneously recorded on the paper at the speed of 10 cm/sec. The following measurements of the vectorcardiographic loops and scalar ECGs were made : (1) direction and magnitude of the spatial maximum (max.) QRS and T vectors, spatial QRS-T angle, spatial T/QRS ratio, (2) direction of inscription of QRS loop in the three planes, (3) direction of the frontal max. QRS vector, direction and magnitude of the horizontal max. QRS vector, (4) amplitude of the initial max. rightward deflection (Qx). that of the max. leftward deflection (Qx) and ratio of the two (Qx/Rx), (5) amplitude of the max. anterior deflection (Rz), that of the mx. posterior deflection (Sz), and ratio of the two (Rz/Sz). (6) direction and magnitude of the spatial mean QRS (spatial QRS) and T (spatial T) vectors, spatial mean QRS-T angle. (7) spatial ventricular gradient (spatial VG).
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1968-08-20
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- ファロー四徴症の根治手術前後のベクトル心電図 : 第21回日本循環器学会東海地方会総会
- ベクトル心電図からみた左室の容量負荷と圧負荷
- 先天性心室中隔欠損症のベクトル心電図一左室容量負荷について
- 98) 心筋硬塞症の臨床統計(第7報) : 再発66例の検討 : 日本循環器学会第42回東海・第26回北陸合同地方会
- 日本人正常ベクトル心電図 : 棄却楕円による正常限界 : 第23回日本循環器学会東海地方会総会
- 心室中隔欠損症におけるQRSベクトルについて : 術前後における変動について : 第22回日本循環器学会東海地方学会
- Off-lineによる心電図自動診断システムについて : 第24回日本循環器学会東海地方会総会
- 心筋硬塞症の臨床統計(第一報) : 発症時を中心として : 第35回東海・第15回北陸合同日本循環器学会地方会
- 肺血管異常を伴う大動脈炎症候群の1例 : 日本循環器学会第25回東海・第1回北陸合同地方会総会
- ベクトル心電図よりみた左室圧負荷と左室容量負荷