家庭科における住領域の教育に関する研究(第1報) : 小, 中, 高校における住教育環境
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It is said difficult to teach students on housing, and schools tend to avoid this field in their curriculum. To investigate their reasons, teachers of homemaking were questionnaire-surveyed, and the following results were obtained. 1. At junior high schools, teachers of homemaking are also teachers of other fields and do not have much teaching experiences in the field of homemaking. Thus, they tend to avoid the subject of housing as it requires specialized knowledge to teach. At senior high schools, there are teachers specialized in this field, so housing is being treated equal to subjects of clothing or food. Present conditions at junior high schools may be remedied if full-time teachers are secured in this field. 2. As facilities and equipments are poor, it is difficult to carry out experiments and practical works. It is therefore necessary for provision as specified under the Standard by the Ministry of Education. Whenever there is a change in the course of study, a prompt reaction should be taken. Requests for housing models and slides should be taken into consideration. 3. There are gaps between what are in textbooks and realities, making it difficult to earn interests of students. Also, lack of abilities on the part of teachers makes it difficult to develop better textbooks. It is therefore necessary to re-train teachers, in addition to re-examination of textbooks.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1983-12-15
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