中学校・高等学校における家庭科男女共修の問題 : 家庭科担当教師の意見を中心に
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A questionnaire was used by the teacher-trainees of Doshisha Women's College to see the opinions and consciousness of home economics teachers about the problems of coeducation of home economics in junior and senior high schools. In 1978 and 1979, 200 answers out of 259 schools were returned. The main results were as follows : (1) Coeducation was executed in 25 out of 160 junior high schools, and in 5 out of 40 senior high schools. Most remarkable merits of coeducation were : collaboration and understanding between boys and girls, boys' interest in homemaking, etc. Most remarkable difficulties were : shortage of teaching hours and equipments, scope of homemaking education being limited, etc. (2) There were 94% pros and 6% cons toward coeducation. Reasons for pros were : importance of homemaking in human life, equality between the sexes, increase of working couples, etc. Further need for examination in the enforcement of coed-homemaking education were stressed.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1981-05-15
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