かぎ針編みに関する研究(第3報) : 単位基礎編み目構造の分析的観察
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The previous paper reported that the ratio of height and width of the crochet stitching is important factors, and it is affected by the degree of drawing the thread rather than the size of thread or hook which has been used. For the present report, more detailed points have been made clear in order to improve the teaching project. An analysis of the structure of basic unit stitch has been observed according to the procedure of double crochet, treble crochet, and triple treble crochet. Following results were obtained. 1) One unit stitch is formed by three different parts. That is part of winding the yarn, pulling the yarn, and drawing through the loops. 2) If the length of each part of the yarn is changed, the ratio of height and width of the stitch and tactility of thd crochet will be changed. 3) The changes in the length of pulling the yarn will give a large influence on the ratio of height and width of the stitches. Above mentioned factors are necessary for teaching the beginners to make an ordered stitch, and also master the technique to suit the various purposes.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1972-03-31
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