製作技能と創作能力(事例研究) : 研究対象魯鈍級女児IQ 70内外
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This report is a case of mentally retarded children with IQ's of 70 or so, , (morons, or cases of mentally slight retarded ones). Under the theme "dressmaking for dolls" manual skills and crearive activities using cloths, needles, and rhreads were investigated through the products, and their developmental process was summarized. Subjects were two girls-one in fourth grade and the other in fifth. Materials needed were given to allow them continue to work freely. During the experiment, if any change was found in their poducts, compared with the preceeding work, they turned out to motivate their creative activity without any other guidance. Moreover, their parents were required to cooperare in the experiment, refraining from interfering with or helping their activities. The author had a mixed feeling of surprise and joy to find that even the children with low IQ's have unexpectedly high creative powers and the developmental prcoess of their manual skills can he cleary observed. This finding has motivated the author to continue this kind of a case study from now on.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1965-02-01