Effect of BGM on Tempo in Exercise(60th Anniversary Memorial Hall in Musashino Women's University)
Nakahara Yoshibumi
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Graduate School Of Decision Science And Technology Department Of Human
Nakahara Yoshibumi
Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Nakahara Yoshibumi
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Graduate School Of Decision Sciecce And Technology Department Of Human
KOTOH Yasuhisa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Decision Sciecce and Technology, Department of Hum
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Decision Sciecce and Technology, Department of Hum
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Decision Sciecce and Technology, Department of Hum
NOHIRA Masahiro
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Decision Sciecce and Technology, Department of Hum
Tanizaki Miyuki
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Graduate School Of Decision Sciecce And Technology Department Of Human
Kotoh Yasuhisa
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Graduate School Of Decision Sciecce And Technology Department Of Human
Nohira Masahiro
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Graduate School Of Decision Sciecce And Technology Department Of Human
Yamamoto Yoko
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Graduate School Of Decision Sciecce And Technology Department Of Human
- Effects of Exercise Practice on the Maintenance of Radius Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women
- 1-O-06 The Relationship Between Indices of Arterosclerosis and Collagen Cross-Link in Pre-Menopausal Japanese Women(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
- Effect of BGM on Tempo in Exercise(60th Anniversary Memorial Hall in Musashino Women's University)
- (E60909) A longitudinal study on bone stiffness in adolescent : a follow-up survey for four years
- 1-11 Effects of Pubertal Maturation and Exercise to Bone Mass in a Longitudinal Study(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- I-7 Effests of Inhalation of Essential Oils on Prefrontal Hemodynamics by NIRS and Sensory Assessment.
- Study of Prefrontal hemodynamics response during hearing noise assessed with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy(Proceedings of 6th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-2 Effects of the Choice-reaction Task after Mild Physical Exercise(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-19 Effects of Background Noise on Task-works(Proceedings of the 50th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- SV-1 Pubertal Maturation and Bone Metabolism in Junior High School Students (Proceedings of the 49th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- II-13 Applications of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Measurements of Prefrontal Hemodynamics Response to Acoustical Stimulus.(Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- II-10 Effects of the Rest during Mental Task (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)