831 自然歪理論を用いた有限変形解析 : 剪断の予変形後の降伏球面内の G の分布
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The Natural Strain theory has merits that can remove the rigid body rotation from the shearing component of strain and can satisfy the additive law of strain on an identical line element. The anisotropy in the yield surface is investigated by using the test pieces that the large plastic deformation is given. From results of multi-axial loading test, which we have done before, we were able to confirm that the direction of principal axis of the elastic component of deformation gradient agree well with the direction of the principal axis of stress. In this paper, we suggest the numerical model concerning these directions and confirm that the directions of these principal axes are approximately the same direction from the result of the numerical calculation. Moreover, we also investigate the anisotropy caused by the large shear deformation that the principal axis rotates with the increase of the deformation.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-08-05
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