526 構造物保守への実験力学の適用
- 論文の詳細を見る
Lacking the function coping with accident happened in the period between inspection and the absence of warning system for emergency are thought to be two main shortcomings of present maintenance method. To overcome these faults, E. M. technology have a lot of ability, the author thought. In concrete, many sensors are put to a machine/structure to maintein to change them so-called sensory structure for detecting damage happening instantly, and these sensors sent signals to warning system for judging whether they are dangerous state or not. Here, many thinking on the usage of sensors is talked, and an good example of this idea is explained. As conclusion some typical idea of the application of E. M. technology to maintenance are proposed.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-09-20
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