2410 シビアアクシデント時の原子炉配管信頼性に係る実証試験
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In a severe accident of a light water reactor (LWR), the reactor cooling system piping might be subjected to thermal loads from high temperature steam generated in the degraded reactor core, and decay heat of deposited fission products, in addition to an internal pressure load. In the Wide Range Piping Integrity Demonstration (WIND) Project which is performed at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) the fission product (FP) aerosol behavior in reactor piping and the piping integrity under severe accident conditions are investigated. The FP aerosol behavior is being investigated using cesium iodide as simulant material, and deposition and revaporization tests are being performed. Thermal and structural responses of the reactor cooling system piping under high temperature and high pressure conditions are being investigated in piping integrity tests. This paper describes the overview and major results of WIND Project.
- 2000-07-31
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