- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper I try to demonstrate the significance of constructivistic semantics in systems theory, especially in the theory of social systems. First, I briefly trace the developmental process of constructivism in systems theory (or cybernetics). Second, I make a sketch of the conceptual framework of constructivism. The important concepts are operational closure, distinction/indication and second order observation (or second order cybernetics). Several levels (or kinds) of meaning-constructing systems are distinguished. Third, I consider the epistemological implications of constructivism. Constructivistic semantics can be characterized as epistemology naturalized (according to Quine) and epistemology socialized. I also compare some characteristics of the syn-referential system model and the self-referential system model. And fourth, I briefly consider the theoretical implications of the constructivistic theory of social systems. In the context of difficulty or impossibility of intervention and steering between autopoietic systems, we must verify the theoretical properties of structural coupling.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 1997-10-30
- 新しいリベラルアーツ像を求めて(企画分科会)(リベラルアーツと社会経済システム論:-知の海図を与え世界を語る基礎的用語としてのシステム概念の検討-)
- リベラルアーツとしての社会システム科学
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- 人間に関する研究の倫理指針の諸問題(グローバリゼーションにおける社会・経済システムの構想)