G124 マイクロチャネル内ステップ流における多種混合粒子を用いた熱流動制御
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In micro-channel flow without/with backward and forward facing step, the effects of the flow and heat transfer with the mixture of multi-size particles are investigated by new image processing for the control of the flow and heat transfer field. In the area of micro-size, it is not easy to control the heat transfer with increasing and decreasing locally by devices and external forces but it is possible to perform using non-direct phenomena with the mixture of multi-size particles in the flow. Because of the velocity distribution at each area of flow field, the tracking line of multi-size particles may be different from the drag effects of the each body size. Then, the velocity distribution would be changed more emphasized by big-sized particles and passing by mid-sized particles to get new heat transfer field. It would be needed three kind of particle size at least to perform and detect the phenomena The characteristic choices of the particles with size and material are very important for getting the deigned heat transfer field. For the purpose of making clear the effects of multi-size particles mixture, it is need to develop new image processing methods including the detection the area of the occupied particle and the discrimination of the particle size. In this paper, the methods and results above are reported and discussed for the detection and evolution the effects of the mixture with multi-size particles with tentative flow configuration as early trial research stage. From the results, several qualitative interesting effects were given with the continuous pictures and immature image analysis, and the quantitative results would be got and reported after the building and confirming the new image processing methods.
- 2003-11-10
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