205 抄紙機ワイヤーパートでのハイドロフォイル脱水と紙層形成モデル
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To drain pulp and filler suspension and to make pulp mat on the wire, about 40 blades of hydrofoils are mounted under the single wire forming section of the paper making machine. Liquid component of the pulp suspension which moves at high speed with the wire is drained through wire meshes by suction forces which are generated between the stationary surfaces of these hydrofoils and rapidly moving wire. In this paper, considering these hydrofoil blade equipment, and construct a simplified its drainage model as hydraulic problem to calculate generated suction pressures. At the same time, devised a simple model which estimating the paper web (pulp mat) formation structure that is plied up gradually on the wire linking the drainage model.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-11-27
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