A-31 アルミ自動車車体構造の強度評価
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Recently, aluminum alloy comes in use for vehicle body structure as well as components in order to reduce vehicle weight and improve material recycle. It is important to make sure of reliability on strength and durability of welded joints, when we use aluminum for body structure, especially. This report introduces a case study of aluminum spot welded joint for evaluation and improvement of strength reliability. At first, we evaluate static and fatigue strength variance using aluminum simple specimen of spot welded joint, compare with steel one. And we study the strength variance between specimen and real body structure. In addition to these study, we investigated mechanism in according to reduce strength variance. As a result, we got good relation of strength variance between specimen and structure, and some information of the spot nugget diameter for reduction of variance.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-03-29
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