P21-01 革新的中小型炉について
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For a solution to the problems, such as poor natural resources and global warming, nuclear power should be considered as a future power source. In the situations which prefer a plant siting near a consumption area to reduce large-scale power failure risk and electricity power transmission costs and which require low-risk investments under the liberalization of retail market for electricity, small-medium sized reactors (SMRs) may be more useful than large ones. At one time it had been considered that the SMR was less economical than a large reactor for its scale-demerit. Recently the SMR have been enhanced its economic competitiveness by introducing innovative technologies. So The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC), together with the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industries (CRIEPI) started on September 2000 a preliminary investigation to assess the potentialities of SMRs and the significance of them as a future energy option. From the investigation, it has been confirmed that the SMRs with the innovative technologies have several advantages, such as smaller financial risk than large plant, more easily understandable safety than conventional plant. And the mass production effect and the series construction effect being considered, the SMR's power generation costs will be almost equivalent to that of a large plant. So the investigation have come to the conclusion that the SMRs with innovative technologies are a promising energy option for the future.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-06-14
- P21-01 革新的中小型炉について
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