P14-11 りん酸形燃料電池の現状と今後の課題
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Tokyo Gas has been conducting demonstrations field tests of on-site PAFC (phosphoric acid fuel cell) power generation plants for more than two decades, since Tokyo Gas and Osaka Gas First participated in the TARGET program lqunched in the US in 1967. We have mainly operated 50kW, 100kW and 200kW on-site plants at our research institute and our customers' sites, which include hotels, offices, universities, laboratories, factories, district heating and cooling centers (DHC), etc. We have accumulated considerable data and evaluated the performance of PAFC electrical/thermal characteristics, reliability and durability from a composite total of 844,000 hours from more than 30 plants' operation. Under our evaluation of these on-site PAFCs have technically attained the commercial level. A remaining burdle to actually marketing PAFC plants is to reduce the cost. At the same time as we work toward the reduction of several costs related to the plant itself, in areas such as construction, maintenance and overhaul, we are also developing new applications by making the best use of the distinctive features of PAFCs. We have succeeded in developing a high efficiency DC system, a high quality and highly reliable power supply system, as well as some other attractive systems. We anticipate that these applications might expand the fuel cell market, in addition to the conventional co-generation market thereby promoting mass installation and mass production, which would ultimately bring down the price.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-06-14
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