P25-01 原子力発電所のシビアアクシデント時ソースタームの評価
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The THALES-2 code is an integrated severe accident analysis code developed at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute(JAERI) in order to simulate the accident progression and transport of radioactive materials for probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) of a nuclear power plant. As part of a level 3 PSA being performed at JAERI for a 1,100MWe BWR-5 with a Mark-II containment, a series of calculations were performed by THALES-2 to evaluate the source terms for extensive accident scenarios. This paper presents the insights given from the analyses. One of the insights from the analyses is that the source terms depend more strongly on the differences in the containment function failure scenarios, such as overpressure failure, controlled release by containment venting, and the restoration of containment cooling functions, than on the difference in the core damage sequences. But the source terms of less volatile species, such as Sr, depend on the core damage sequences.
- 2002-06-14
石川 淳
(独)日本原子力研究開発機構 安全研究センター
村松 健
石川 淳
新谷 清憲
高木 誠司
村松 健
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