D111 燃料電池改質器内における燃焼および触媒反応の数値解析 : 多段反応モデルを用いた FLUENT によるシミュレーション
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A two-dimensional numerical model is proposed to analyze the flow characteristics of fuel cell reformer. Bumer and catalyst bed sections of the reformer are modeled with single step and multi-step and multi-step (reforming and shifting) chemical reactions including intermediate species CO formation These two different zone reactions are easily modeled with FLUENT solver's flexibility for user's customization. A source code of chemical reactions is written in C language and is directly connected to FLUENT'S binary source. Species diffusion and temperature distribution in the reformer are examined and it is found that absorbing temperature from bumer reaction accelerates methane conversion. Predicted species composition, species conversion rate and temperature in catalyst zone show expected phenomenon in the reformer and it clearly demonstrates the unique capability of FLUENT in solving chemical reaction problems.
- 2000-10-30
- D111 燃料電池改質器内における燃焼および触媒反応の数値解析 : 多段反応モデルを用いた FLUENT によるシミュレーション
- 大規模並列計算を可能とするFLUENTグループの最新ソリューション
- FLUENT/GAMBITによるCAEプロセスの統合化 : 設計ツールとしての流体解析