ランプ熱処理装置におけるウエハ温度分布に及ぼすガス対流の影響の解析 : 熱工学,内燃機関,動力など
- 論文の詳細を見る
A three-dimensional radiation heat transfer analysis and a convection heat transfer are combined to obtain temperature distribution in a wafer during rapid thermal processing with lamp heaters. Calculated data of the temperature distribution from the radiation analysis are transferred to the convection analysis through data files, and calculated data of the convection heat flux on the wafer from the convection analysis are transferred to the radiation analysis. The obtained temperature distributions show that the average temperature of a wafer decreases about 10℃ by the effect of natural convection and that the temperature distribution in the wafer increased about 3℃ when inlet gas velocity is 0.1 m/s during 1000℃ steady-state heating of the wafer. It was found that the calculation mesh size for each analysis of the combined analysis can be changed.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-04-25
円山 重直
平澤 茂樹
平澤 茂樹
(株)日立製作所 機械研究所
鈴木 匡
竹内 祐平
平澤 茂樹
平澤 茂樹
神戸大 大学院工学研究科
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