衝撃波の反射領域・衝撃波管管端面での蒸気の膜状凝縮理論 : 第2報,凝縮係数決定の理論的根拠
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This paper is concerned with the theoretical basis for the determination of the condensation coefficient of vapor by means of a shock tube. Film condensation on the shock-tube endwall behind a reflected shock wave is analysed on the basis of the first author's gas-dynamics theory. It is clarified that there exists a transition phenomenon during the growth of the liquid film, that is, the liquid film grows in proportion to time immediately after the reflection of the shock wave, and after a transition time, it grows in proportion to the square root of time. The transition phenomenon between these growths is caused by the change in heat conduction characteristics at the endwall. The reason why the condensation coefficient must be determined before the transition is clarified.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1996-04-25
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- Theory of Film Condensation on Shock-Tube Endwall behind Reflected Shock Wave : Theoretical Basis for Determination of Condensation Coefficient