電気粘性流体に関する基礎的研究 : 速度分布の相似性
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Hydrous electrorheological (ER) fluid was filled in between two coaxial cylinders : the outer cylinder can rotate on its axis and the inner stationary one is connected to a torquemeter. Upon application of an electric field and rotation, measurements of velocity distributions of ER fluid in the annular region were taken by a laser velocimeter and those of shear stress exerted on the inner cylinder surface were taken by the torquemeter. When the rotational speed was very low, the flow was observed directly. Since high-water-content ER fluid requires high electric current, a counter-plan to reduce the current was also examined. It was found that the ratio of electrical force to viscous force plays an important role in determining the flow pattern of ER fluid and, upon increasing the magnitude of the ratio, the flow pattern varies from couette flow to plug flow. Insulation of the inner cylinder surface with thin polyethylene film could reduce the electric current and the magnitude of the generated shear stress decreased to one-tenth of that without insulation film.
- 1995-02-25
喜多 義範
喜多 義範
喜多 義範
高瀬 英生
徳永 輝之
近藤 伊知朗
藤沢 新坪
村木 徹
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