非定常気体燃料噴流の濃度場に関する研究 : 軸対称乱流自由メタン噴流
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Fuel gas injection is used for gas diesel engines. It is very important to investigate the behaviour of the unsteady jet. In this study, the concentration field of a suddenly started cold methane gas jet into still air was nonintrusively measured by the infrared absorption method with a 3.39μm He-Ne laser. Furthermome, the equations of mass, momentum, energy, species (methane and air) and the k-ε turbulence model were solved numerically. The concentration field was obtained and compared with the experimental results. As a result, it was found that the global trends of the jet, that is to say, penetration and averaged concentration, are predicted well, though the unsteady concentration near the jet axis is not predicted because the turbulence model is based on the time-averaged one.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1992-07-25
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