ポンプ用シールの動特性に関する研究 : 第1報,偏心時の環状シールの場合
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The dynamic characteristics of the annular pressure seal employed in pumps have been theoretically deduced with consideration for the effect of eccentricity. Turbulent flow is assumed in both circumferential and axial directions, and effect of inertia are considered. An equation for the pressure increment due to journal translation is derived in terms of the effective viscosities, based on the rotational and axial flow Reynolds numbers. Comparisons are made between the stiffness, damping and add mass coefficients derived herein and the previousely published theoretical and experimental results without eccentricity. It is shown to be reasonable in agreement with experiments.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1983-09-25
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