- 論文の詳細を見る
Universal joints, which transmit torque through the balls guided in such a manner that they always lie in the plane bisecting the angle between the driving and driven axes, are called ball-type constant-velocity joints. The authors presented the papers on the analysis of this type of universal joints based on statics taking account of no friction force between their components. To obtain more precise estimations of the internal forces and the moments, it seems to be important to evaluate the effect of the friction between the parts. Furthermore, in grasping the relative motions of the parts, such as rolling of the balls on the tracks, the static analysis is beyond its power. In this paper the authors analyze the motions of each parts based on dynamics, taking account of the frictions between the parts. The analysis results in simultaneous differential equations, which can be solved numerically using an electronic computer.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-02-25
木全 圭
長谷 陽夫
井本 正之
井本 正之
Ntn(株)自動車商品本部 自動車技術部
長谷 陽夫
Ntn(株)自動車商品本部 自動車技術部
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