特殊直交群SO(3)を含んだ有限要素法定式化 : 第2報, 梁要素の剛性要素の導出
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In the previous paper, the relationship between the stress rate and the tangent stiffness was derived using the special orthogonal group SO (3) in the finite element formulation. The stress rates used are the Truesdell stress rate, the Jaumann stress rate, the Neo-Green stress rate and the Ishihara stress rate. In this work, the stiffness elements of the tangent stiffnesses of beam elements with SO (3) are given. These elements include material stiffness ΔδП_m, geometric stiffness of rigid rotation ΔδП_<10>, geometric stiffness of stretch to stress direction ΔδП_<sg, stress>, geometric stiffness of stretch perpendicular to area ΔδП_<sg, area> and geometric stiffness of stretch to deformation rate ΔδП_<sg, deform>. In a future paper, the tangent stiffness of these stress rates of a beam element will be given.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-06-25
- 特殊直交群SO(3)を含んだ有限要素法定式化 : 第3報, 定式化に関する検討
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