界面はく離を考慮したセラミックス基複合材料の高靱性化機構の解析 : 第1報,界面はく離き裂のエネルギー解放率と限界はく離長さの評価
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, the energy release rate is derived for interface debonding cracks in ceramic-matrix composites, using approximate solutions of an axisymmetric cylindrical fiber-matrix model. The energy release rate expression includes the important effects of compressive residual stresses and frictional sliding stress on the debonded interface in a closed-form equation. A parametric study of the energy release rate is carried out and the effects of various parameters on the energy release rate are clarified and compared with results of other studies. The method to determine the critical debonding length is proposed based on the energy release rate and the fracture criterion of the interface and fiber. The predicted debonding length gives good agreement with published experimental results.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1994-09-25
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- 界面はく離を考慮したセラミックス基複合材料の高靱性化機構の解析 : 第2報,R曲線のシミュレーション
- 界面はく離を考慮したセラミックス基複合材料の高靱性化機構の解析 : 第1報,界面はく離き裂のエネルギー解放率と限界はく離長さの評価
- セラミックス基複合材料の繊維架橋効果の2次元BEM解析 (計算固体力学)