- 論文の詳細を見る
In the twelfth century, there existed a native organization called dohana in the Norman kingdom of Sicily. This played an central part in the administration of this kingdom. Naturally, the elucidation of this is one of the most important and essential subjects in medieval Sicilian history and so many historians have tried to solve the problem. But since Garufi expounded his excellent theory in 1901, almost all subsequent historians have accepted his theory without doubt and developed their own studies on this ground, till Caravale developed an independent theory (1964). Garufi explains the structure of the financial and administrative organization as follows. Two offices, the supervising office (ufficio di Riscontro) and the treasury office (ufficio del Tesoro) were located in the royal palace in Palermo. The latter was subordinate to the former. The supervising office kept the registers of lands and was divided into two departments, dohana de secretis and dohana baronum. The dohana de secretis supervised the affairs of the royal domains and the dohana baronum handled the feudal affairs. The treasury office on the other hand kept the registers of villeins and collected taxes. This office was called ad-diwan alma'mur in Arabic. To this office was subordinate the office of profits (ufficio dei proventi) called diwan al-fawa'id in Arabic. To this classic theory of Garufi, Caravale put forth a counterargument. He insisted that the functions of the dohana de secretis and the dohana baronum were distinguished by their jurisdictions, though he accepted Garufi's structural analysis of the dohana. The former had competence over Sicily and Calabria and the latter over the peninsula excepting Calabria. But, as Mazzarese Fardella says, this theory of Caravale does not completely supercede that of Garufi, and it is understood that this problem need to be reexamined. Therefore the central aim of this paper will be a structural and functional analysis of the dohana. The structure of the dohana which is elucidated in this paper is quite different from the former structural analysis. It is as follows ; two offices, the ad-diwan al-ma'mur and the dohana de secretis, in the royal palace in Palermo, had competence over Sicily and Calabria. Another office, the dohana baronum, was in Salerno, and had competence over the peninsula excepting Calabria. The ad-diwan al-ma'mur was the central office carrying out routine tasks. It collected taxes and controlled inhabitants and officials. The dohana de secretis carried out special duties concerning lands. Naturally this office confirmed, revised and made the registers of lands and villeins. On the other hand, the dohana baronum was, as it were, a branch office in the peninsula. It carried out all works needed there. These irregular administative institutions clarify the administrative defference between Sicily together with Calabria and the peninsula. The king controlled and governed inhabitants and lands directly through the registers of lands and villeins in Sicily and Calabria. So, vassals and churches were not obstacles against the administration. There existed a valid and stable administration here. On the other hand, the medium of vassals was indispensable for the administration in the peninsula. The king could controll and govern inhabitants and lands only through vassals. And the catalogus baronum was the list of these vassals.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1983-07-20
- 特別講演 ノルマン・シチリア王国の権力構造と異文化集団 (会議報告 第9回シンポジウム・イスラムとIT--西欧とイスラム・いま新たなる局面)
- シチリア王国から見た世界史(コメント,公開シンポジウム「琉球からみた世界史」,第一〇五回史学会大会報告)
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- 瞑想紀行 シチリアの光と音
- スーザン・ストレンジ著/櫻井公人訳, 『国家の退場』, 岩波書店, 一九九八・一一刊, 四六, 三五八頁, 三五〇〇円
- エミール・マール著/田中仁彦他訳, 『ロマネスクの図像学』上下, 国書刊行会, 一九九六・一一刊, A5, 上巻 三九五頁, 下巻 三八八頁, 各四八〇〇円
- ジュゼッペ・クアトリ-リオ著, 真野義人・箕浦万里子訳, 『シチリアの千年 : アラブからブルボンまで』, 新評論, 一九九七・五刊, A5, 三八二頁, 四八〇〇円
- アローン・Ya・グレーヴィチ著, 中沢敦夫訳『同時代人の見た中世ヨーロッパ : 十三世紀の例話』平凡社, 一九九五・七刊, A5, 五三〇頁, 七二〇〇円
- ヨハヒム・ブムケ著/平尾浩三他訳 『中世の騎士文化』, 白水社, 一九九五・四刊, A5, 八一四頁, 一六四八〇円
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- S・ランシマン著/護 雅夫訳『コンスタンティノープル陥落す』, みすず書房, 一九八三・二新装, 四六, 二八八頁
- 十二世紀シチリアにおけるノルマンの財務行政機構
- 日本イスラム協会・嶋田襄平・板垣雄三・佐藤次高監修『イスラム事典』, 平凡社, 一九八二・四刊, B6, 四九五頁
- ノルマン・シチリア王国の行政機構再考
- フィリップ四世 (一二八五-一三一四) 治世下のフランスの統治構造 : バイイとセネシャル
- 清水廣一郎著, 『中世イタリアの都市と商人』, 洋泉社、一九八九年一二月、二三二頁、二〇六〇円
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- グローバル化と歴史学 (特集 これからの大学学部における歴史教育)
- グローバル化する世界と歴史学 (広島史学研究会創立75周年記念講演会)
- ノルマン・シチリア王国の研究
- 中世シチリア王国とアラビアン・ナイト
- 公開講演録 中世地中海世界と文明の交流
- 6. モデル・カリキュラム(6) : 実践的な技術として(第4章 「史学概論」のモデル・カリキュラムの事例,「史学概論」カリキュラムの調査研究-現状からモデル案へ-学部専門教育カリキュラムの研究開発研究報告)
- 1. アメリカ合衆国における「史学概論」カリキュラム(第3章 外国における「史学概論」カリキュラム,「史学概論」カリキュラムの調査研究-現状からモデル案へ-学部専門教育カリキュラムの研究開発研究報告)
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