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This study is based on new materials discovered at Xinyi (信宜) Prefecture, known as the birthplace of Ling Shiba's Baishangdihui (凌十八拝上帝曾), during several visits between 1987 and 1994. Up until now, a lack of information has made it difficult to study the history of the early days of the Taiping Movement. The aim of this article is to ascertain the historical features of Hakka (客家) ethnic groups that also included Ling Shiba. The migration of Chinese into Xinyi began in the 16th century. Many of them were soldiers sent to supress the resistance movement of the yao (瑶) minority. They made a great contribution to dynasty rule by supressing and sinicizing the Yao and Zhuang (壮) and their cultivation of rice for the Chinese army. The Hakka migrants who settled down in Xinyi were influenced by the national policy enforcing sinicization of local minorities. The propaganda about the Civil Service Examination and the shengyuguangxun (聖諭廣訓) were especialy influential the process of forming Hakka customs. Many Hakka migrants who became tenant farmers under the migrant leaders chose a pattern of action, known as wen xig (〓食), in which they pursued several different occupations at the same time in order to increase the possibility of success, while reducing the danger of complete failure. This pattern of wenxig was an important feature of Chinese society, especially among middle and low class migrants in frontier areas; but the dynasty criticized it causing high mobility and supressed the Hakka migrants as illegal residents. In short, the Hakka migrants in this area were settled by the dynasty in the interest of national policy. They served the dynasty as soldiers and farmers, but they were supressed because of the high fluidity in their behavior patterns. This was one of the important reasons why many Hakka participated in Taiping Movement.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1995-11-20
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- 清代広西の新興宗族と彼らをめぐる社会関係 : 桂平県江口地区の族譜分析を中心に