- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1230 and 1242, Henry III, king of England, issued writs of arms which contained tariffs of military obligation based on the Assize of Arms of 1181. In these writs, there were important revisions of the provisions for knight fee holders, and these changes must be interpreted in their relation to the distraint of knighthood during the same reign. The writ of 1230 increased the categories of knight fee holders from one to two ; that is, a whole-fee holder and a half-fee holder, each of whom was equated with a holder of 15 mark chattel or 10 mark chattel. The provision of a half-fee holder, which was not incorporated in the Assize in 1181, was added because the writs of distraint of knighthood from 1224 to 1230 ordered the holder of one or more knight's fees to be made a knight, and it was necessary to distinguish between the whole-fee holders and other partial holders. The equation of knight fee holders with wealthy free holders, in turn, inspired the writs of distraint from 1240 to 1242, which prescribed that the holder of a whole knight's fee, or twenty librates in socage or military tenure, was to be distrained to become a knight. As a result of these writs introducing the twenty-librate rule, the clause of knight fee holders in the writ of arms in 1242 was deleted. The highest group of jurati ad arma ; i.e., the holders of twenty librates, became knights. After 1242 the writs of arms and the distraint of knighthood thus, were integrated into a total system of military obligation in the reign of Henry III.
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