ネップの導入とソヴィエト工業管理システムの再編 : 工業管理における国家と企業
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It is well known that NEP brought about a shift in economic principles from administrative-command control of state industry to adjustments suited to the so-called "mixed economy"; in this process there emerged new organizational forms called trusts and syndicates. But little is known about the fact that the "soviet industrialists" formed a voluntary organization in order to express the special interests of industry to the authorities. In this paper the author aims to shed some light on the process by which the soviet industrialists formed a voluntary organization of their own and show their way of thinking about industrial management under state capitalism. After NEP was implemented the soviet industrialists who were directly responsible for state industry came to think that the function of state organs in industrial management should be limited to "regulation and planning". They were also inclined towards "releasing the trusts from the state" and assuming the real control of industry into their own hands. The industrialists became aware of the necessity of a standing organ that would support "the organized view of industry" vis-a-vis the state. Thus a "temporary bureau" of congresses of industry and transport was set up in August 1922, with the purpose of presenting to the state organs the special interests of industry and transport, especially of large-scale industry. An intense controversy was brought about over the standing "council of congresses", which would be set up by the coming conference of representatives of industry. It reflected twofold differences: one between the state organs and the trusts which sought direct control of industrial management, and the other between the trusts and the syndicates that wished a strengthened supervision over the trusts. The conference of representatives of Large-scale industry and transport held in December 1922 ended this controversy, resulting in a compromise between the "state principle" and the "corporate principle" in industrial management. "The council of congresses" was set up under the presidium of the Supreme Council of National Economy as a voluntary organization of the industrialists. The establishment of "the council" meant the recognition of the special interest of industry apart from the state. The industrialists thus secured a means to express the "organized interest of industry" to the state. At the same time they were exposed to strong restrictions, so that "the organized interest of industry" could be realized only with the approval of the Supreme Council of National Economy.
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