- 論文の詳細を見る
The Dajotenno system, which was established under the Taihoritsuryo 大宝律令, guaranteed the abdicated Tenno to be given the title of Dajotenno and to have the same rights as the Tenno. The Tenno from Saga Tenno 嵯峨天皇, once he abdicated, would decline to become Dajotenno. He would then be appointed Dajotenno by the new Tenno. At the same time, he would evacuate the Dairi 内裏 (the palace of the monarch) and would live in the residence called the In 院 in or near the capital. By taking these formalities, the abdicated monarch could become neither equal to the Tenno nor his subject. The Dajotenno attempted to obtain personal political power by reaffirming his public relationships to the aristocracy which he had had when he had been Tenno in addition to establishing private connections, thus accumulating wealth through the In institution. With such human and financial backings, the Dajotenno became very influential in court politics. This form was selected while the Tenno was still on the throne conducting the affairs of state. When a infant Tenno could not conduct the affairs of state, the Dajotenno conducted the affairs of state by direct commands to the Sessho (the regent). In conclusion, the Dajotenno did not have the same political rights as the Tenno when Tenno was conducting the affairs of state by himself, but rather assumed those political rights through the Sessho when Tenno was not able to conduct them.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1991-03-20
- 吉川真司著, 『律令官僚制の研究』, 塙書房, 一九九八・二刊, A5, 五二六頁, 九五〇〇円
- 古代 三(日本)
- 天皇位の継承(第九八回史学会大会報告記事)
- 荒木敏夫著, 『可能性としての女帝-女帝と王権・国家-』, 青木書店, 一九九九・五刊, 四六, 三〇三頁, 二五〇〇円
- 安田政彦著, 『平安時代皇親の研究』, 吉川弘文館, 一九九八・七刊, A5, 三五二頁, 六八〇〇円
- 平安期太上天皇の公と私
- 日本 : 古代 七(一九八九年の歴史学界 : 回顧と展望)
- 太上天皇制の成立