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The aim of this paper is to consider changes in perceptions about the relationship between the media and society in 20th century China, based on an analysis of the relationship between (mainly newspaper) journalism and the advertizing business in Shanghai during the 1920-30s. With the growth of circulation, newspapers become more and more dependent for their income on advertizing during that time and became aware that newspapers were best medium for advertizing. Consequently, newspapers came to be edited from an advertisement-centered viewpoint, infusing advertisements into other topics. Advertising agencies were established from the later 1920s on, and such agencies were closely related to newspaper publishers, for most of their managers came from the newspaper industry, or held concurrent positions there. Thus, newspapers continued to be the main client for advertizing agencies, although new media, such as movies or radio, also appeared as advertising media from the 1920s on. As newspapers become more and more dependent on advertizing income, power relation among their publishers changed by focusing more on their advertisement and sales departments. Their relations to advertizing agencies and sponsors, as well as to political forces, became important such tendencies sometimes were criticized as capitalistic media rule. On the other hand, advertizing at the time was frequently criticized from the viewpoint of sexual norms and nationalism. Thus, advertizing in China , at that time developed within the tension between norms and their reverse sides, lust and greed. During the 1930s, the media, especially newspapers, were reorganized within the context of the advertizing industry, as indicated in the growing process of negotiations by the two entities, and we can see various, negotiation processes there, from the microscopic views.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2005-01-20
- 民国時期上海の広告とメディア
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