近世後期藩領における「医療」の展開 : 越前国府中を例として
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This paper investigates to what extent the control was maintained over medical treatment by han government around the beginning of the 19th century. Despite the conventional view that this was a function of the Tokugawa Bakuhu, the author considers by examining the meaning of the kept one in the town of Fuchu. The diary by Minagawa, an official physician of Fuchuhan. In Chapter 1, the author turns to the social structure of the Fuchu area, the position of han physicians. Their everyday work involved; (pattending the han lord, cperiodical attendance at the han castle, such as at the beginning-of-the-year congratulatory gift ceremony, and (Dmedical treatment at the han castle. Moreover, a specific communication route existed between physicians and the han, and the status of physicians was not guaranteed unless a certain level of expertise was achieved. In Chapter 2, the contents of three decrees issued in 1843 and 1850 are analyzed. The author points out many ways of how to control non-resident physicians who flowed in from other places. Although physicians working in Fuchu town attained a level of systematization, in order to exist as "residents" the intervention in han physicians was indispensable. This means that the status or the activity of resident physician was guaranteed by indirectly by han physicians, and that medical treatment developed in Fuchu only after the han based social structure regarding physicians was formed.
- 2003-11-20