「太平洋戦争への道」と英米関係 : W・ワイズマンの「役割」について
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In this paper I examine the co-operation between the U.K. and the U.S. in intelligence activities before the Pacific War. The main theme is the role of Sir William Wiseman. W.Wiseman was a British intelligence agent during World War I. With Colonel House's help, he succeeded in bringing the U.S. into the War and constructing the Anglo-American allied activities in the War. His concept of allied strategy aimed at the Pax Americana that is capable of co-operating with the Pax Britannica. After World War I, he was in the employment of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. As soon as World War II began, the Anglo-American co-operation was once more required because of the axis aggression on Britain. FDR promised Churchill to help Britain by awakening Americans from their isolationism. As an ex-agent, Wiseman took counter-intelligence measures (e.g. Wiedemann Case) and planned to detach Japan from the Tripartite Pact with Fr. Drought who helped him in hopes of shortening the possible War with Japan. The "Japanese-American Negotiations" were projected by the latter and aimed at delaying the start of the war at the request of FDR and Hull. The Role of Wiseman during World War II was an unofficial co-operator with Anglo-American agents and informant to the U.K. as to the above negotiations. It seems that Churchill, Stephenson, Wiseman, Hoover and FDR co-operated in these activities, and Wiseman, Drought and Strauss had pro-Jewish inclinations. These personal connections may reflect FDR's and Churchill's strategies in regard to the Japanese War Affair.
- 1981-02-20
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