ロシア中世都市をめぐる若干の問題点 : キエフ・ルーシにおける都市の発生とその史的展開について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this article is to point out the characteristics of the Russian mediaeval towns in the Kievan period (9.-13 centuries) by examining recent studies by Soviet historians. The problems with which the author of this article deals, are as follows : 1)Historical development of the meaning of the Russian word gorod (town). 2)Genesis of the Russian mediaeval towns. 3)Historical development of the Kievan towns, considering the shifting relationships between the towns and the princes. 4)Administrative organs of the Kievan towns. As a result of this examination the author has come to appreciate the great contributions to the subject made by M.N.Tichomirov and other Soviet scholars. On the other hand the author does not share with them in their assertion that the historical development and character of Russian mediaeval towns and society were essentially of the same nature as those of western Europe.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1979-01-20
- イヴァン雷帝とクールプスキー公の往復書簡試訳(II)(斎藤要名誉教授記念号)
- イヴァン雷帝とクールプスキー公の往復書簡試訳(I)(創立75周年記念号)
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- モスクワの外国人村
- ゴスチ考
- ロシア中世都市における手工業と手工業者 (II)
- 最近のキエフ・ルーシ研究 : И. Ф.フロヤーノフの新着をめぐって (脇田 勇名誉教授記念号)
- ロシア中世都市における手工業と手工業者
- ロシア中世都市をめぐる若干の問題点 : キエフ・ルーシにおける都市の発生とその史的展開について
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