「自新所」の誕生 : 清中期江南デルタの拘禁施設と地域秩序II
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Zixinsuo 自新所 appeared in Suzhou 蘇州 city in the mid-eighteenth century. Being a sort of prison, it gradually spread to rural cities in the Jiangnan 江南 Delta. This paper examines the zixinsuo's functions and its relationship to the baojia 保甲 system to maintain public order. In the study of modern French history, correctional institutions have been widely studied since Michel Foucault published his most important work, `Surveiller et Punir--Naissance de la prison.' In the study of Ming-Qing history, a few attempts have been made to analyze prisons, but what seems to be lacking, however, is the analysis of the relationship between prisons and regional social order in their loctions. This paper investigates this relationship. The author makes the following five observations. (1) Zixinsuo was a prison that confined convicted thieves given light sentences. (2) The convicts in zixinsuo were assigned labor, such as manufacturing straw sandals, so that they could earn a living after being released. (3) The "naissance" of zixinsuo is closely related to the baojia system. Thieves were supposed to return to regional society and be incorporated into the baojia system after finishing their sentences. However, they were not welcomed into the baojia system. Consequently, the Qing dynasty was forced to establish the zixinsuo as homes for ex-convicts. (4) Zixinsuo also functioned as training facilities for ex-convicts, where they could go through work training and psychological reform programs. They even could have their tatoos removed so that they would become more acceptable in regional society. (5) Finally, in the social background to the rise of zixinsuo, it should be pointed out that criminal activities had increased in the Jiangnan Delta during the mid-eighteenth century in the wake of the commercialization and urbanization of the region.
- 公益財団法人史学会の論文
- 2002-04-20
- 福建省龍海市歩文鎮蓮池社・石倉社・玄壇宮社調査報告(下)
- 福建省龍海市歩文鎮蓮池社・石倉社・玄壇宮社調査報告(上)
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- 「自新所」の誕生 : 清中期江南デルタの拘禁施設と地域秩序II
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