- 論文の詳細を見る
During the Qianlong 乾隆 period, the migration of people from Dengzhou-fu 登州府 Shandont 山東 to Manchuria was more intense than ever before, by reason of cheap transport costs and the ability to freely voyage into Manchuria across Bohai 渤海, despite Manchurian the limitations on entry and stay, the fengjing 封禁 policy. In Manchuria there were vast amounts of un-cultivated land and the scale of farms was larger than in China proper, making it necessary to employ enormous amounts agricultural labor to manage them. On the contrary, in Dengzhou-fu, due to a relative lack of cultivated land, overpopulation and poor employment opportunity, nuclear families, the basic unit of livelihood, were naturally disposed to voyage to Manchuria to earn wages as agricultural workers. As a result, the movement between the two areas was not one-way migration by the surplus population in Dengzhou-fu, but was characterized by round-trip movements at frequent intervals. In this frequent circular population movement, it was kinship relations between those involved that accelerated it. Especially, the role of the lineage both in Dengzhou-fu and Manchuria was extremely important. That is to say when going to Manchuria, families relied on relatives who was already living there, and got help in building residences, employment, capital, and so on. Generally speaking, it is thought that migration in China was exhaustion of surplus population. In this case of Dengzhou-fu and Manchuria from the Qianlong period on, however, population movement didn't mean any rupture with China proper.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1999-02-20
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